Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

Image Courtesy of PLAYBOY PLUS

- AKA: Bridget Wise, Bridgett Wise
- ICGID: BW-001P2
- Born: April 1986
- Birthplace:
United States of America
- First Seen: 2003
- Last Seen: 2009
- Measurements: 34C
- Body Type:
- Height: ???
- Piercings:
- Hair Colour: Fair
- Ethnicity: Caucasian
- Breasts: Medium (Real)
- Official Site:
- Interviews:
- Social Media:
- Tattoos:
- Agencies:
- Appears with: Bianca Beauchamp (x2), Angel Boris (x2), Jessica Humphries (x2), Holly Laar (x2), Kimberly Nicole Cameron (x2), Amy Miller (x2), Susan Weiss (x1), Vanessa Gleason (x1), Tiffany Lang (x1), Adrianna Kroplewska (x1), Paulette Myers (x1), Jami Ferrell (x1), Rochelle Loewen (x1), Natasha Podkuyko (x1), Gina Patrone (x1), Victoria Silvstedt (x1), Tishara Lee Cousino (x1), Karen McDougal (x1), Cynthia Arroyo (x1), Amanda Duncan (x1), Triana Iglesias (x1), Kerri Kendall (x1), Michele Rogers (x1), Victoria Knight (x1), Morena Corwin (x1), Lisa Marie Scott (x1), Krystal Tamburino (x1), Erica Campbell (x1), Brandie Moses (x1), Natasha Marley (x1), Jodie Nicholls (x1), Jaime Hammer (x1), Sandra Westgate (x1), Rita G (x1), Patricia Ford (x1), Kelly Marie Monaco (x1), Sung Hi Lee (x1), Kristy Morgan (x1), Havana Ulrich (x1), Tonya Simmons (x1), Nicole Kelley (x1), Erin Connor (x1), Rosie Ciavolino (x1), Samantha Joseph (x1), Rachel Jeán Marteen (x1), Nadine Chanz (x1), Mary Jane Scott (x1), Jill Scott (x1), Jennifer LeRoy (x1), Esmeralda Smith (x1), Elisa Prevot (x1), Cynthia Kaye (x1), Louise Glover (x1), Christina Linehan (x1), Cady Cantrell (x1), Bobbi Hart (x1), Anna Taverner (x1), Anna Rose Chang (x1), Ania Zalewski (x1), Angela Little (x1), Suzi Simpson (x1), Penny Phang (x1), Feather Frazier (x1), Elizabeth Valerio (x1), Dana Dicillo (x1), Amanda Quagliata (x1), Alley Baggett (x1), Christina Leardini (x1), Petra Verkaik (x1)
- Activities: Glamour
- Tags: United States of America , fair hair , medium natural breasts
- Favourite of: 3 members Praises from members:
- Page Credits:
- Appears in Categories: Blondes, Medium Boobs, Natural Breasts
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THENUDE biography:
As far as we know she began her nude modeling career in 2003. Bridgett Wise has 8 covers, 8 photosets to her name.She goes by a number of aliases: Bridget Wise, Bridgett Wise and has modeled for these premium nude girl sites: PLAYBOY PLUS.
It seems she retired in 2009.
Bridgett Wise Covers
15 June 2009
Petra Verkaik & Victoria Knight & Kerri Kendall & Bridgett Wise & Jennifer LeRoy & Jessica Humphries
as Bridgett Wise & Jennifer LeRoy & Jessica Humphries & Kerri Kendall & Petra Verkaik & Victoria Knight
in "More Features - Denim Delights"
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19 July 2008
Morena Corwin & Vanessa Gleason & Kelly Marie Monaco & Bridgett Wise & Cady Cantrell & Jessica Humphries
as Bridgett Wise & Cady Cantrell & Jessica Humphries & Kelly Marie Monaco & Morena Corwin & Vanessa Gleason
in "More Features - Drive, She Said"
15 June 2008
Lisa Marie Scott & Natasha Podkuyko & Angela Little & Bridgett Wise & Rosie Ciavolino
as Angela Little & Bridgett Wise & Lisa Marie Scott & Natasha Podkuyko & Rosie Ciavolino
in "More Features - Flower Power"
View the set
1 April 2006
Louise Glover & Rita G & Jaime Hammer & Natasha Marley & Amy Miller & Brandie Moses & Erica Campbell & Krystal Tamburino & Triana Iglesias & Amanda Duncan & Adrianna Kroplewska & Tiffany Lang & Bianca Beauchamp & Kristy Morgan & Amanda Quagliata & Elizabeth Valerio & Feather Frazier & Penny Phang & Ania Zalewski & Bobbi Hart & Bridgett Wise & Christina Linehan & Elisa Prevot & Esmeralda Smith & Mary Jane Scott & Holly Laar & Kimberly Nicole Cameron & Nicole Kelley & Tonya Simmons
as Adrianna Kroplewska & Amanda Duncan & Amanda Quagliata & Amy Miller & Ania Zalewski & April Renee & Bianca Beauchamp & Bobbi Hart & Brandie Moses & Bridgett Wise & Cheryl Stell & Christina Linehan & Dora Noemi & Elisa Prevot & Elizabeth Valerio & Erica Campbell & Esmeralda Smith & Feather Frazier & Holly Laar & Jaime Hammer & Jenna Straub & Kimberly Nicole Cameron & Kristy Morgan & Krystal Tamburino & Louise Glover & Mary Jane Scott & Natasha Marley & Nicole Kelley & Oksana Bakunoga & Penny Phang & Rita Granberry & Tiffany Lang & Tonya Simmons & Triana Iglesias
in "Daily Double - April 2006"
View the set
5 November 2004
Sandra Westgate & Bridgett Wise & Cynthia Kaye
as Bridgett Wise & Cynthia Kaye & Sandee Westgate
in "S.E.X. #06 - Bridgett Wise, Darcy Lynn, Sandee Westgate, Cynthia Kaye and more"
View the set
1 February 2004
Jodie Nicholls & Amy Miller & Michele Rogers & Patricia Ford & Karen McDougal & Tishara Lee Cousino & Victoria Silvstedt & Angel Boris & Rochelle Loewen & Jami Ferrell & Susan Weiss & Cynthia Arroyo & Gina Patrone & Bianca Beauchamp & Alley Baggett & Dana Dicillo & Suzi Simpson & Anna Taverner & Bridgett Wise & Christina Leardini & Jill Scott & Nadine Chanz & Samantha Joseph & Holly Laar & Erin Connor & Kimberly Nicole Cameron & Havana Ulrich
as Alley Baggett & Amy Miller & Angel Boris & Anna Taverner & Bianca Beauchamp & Bridgett Wise & Cherie Wimberly & Cheryl Stell & Christina Leardini & Cynthia Arroyo & Dana Dicillo & Erin Connor & Gina Patrone & Havana Ulrich & Holly Laar & Jami Ferrell & Jennifer Cantrell & Jill Scott & Jodie Nicholl & Karen McDougal & Kimberly Nicole Cameron & Michele Rogers & Nadine Chanz & Patricia Ford & Rochelle Loewen & Samantha Joseph & Sara Valentine & Susan Weiss & Suzi Simpson & Tishara Lee Cousino & Victoria Silvstedt
in "Daily Double - February 2004"
View the set
1 January 2003
Bridgett Wise
as Bridgett Wise
1 January 2003
Angel Boris & Paulette Myers & Anna Rose Chang & Bridgett Wise & Rachel Jeán Marteen & Sung Hi Lee
as Angel Boris & Anna Rose Chang & Bridgett Wise & Paulette Myers & Rachel Jeán Marteen & Roxanne Loupe & Sung Hi Lee
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